ancient history
Ergebnisse 1 – 27 von 64 werden angezeigtNach Durchschnittsbewertung sortiert
«Impulsore Chresto»: Opposition to Christianity in the Roman Empire c. 50-250 AD
104,20 € In den Warenkorb -
The Sanctuary of Bethel and the Configuration of Israelite Identity
139,95 € In den Warenkorb -
Verbal Aspect, the Indicative Mood, and Narrative: Soundings in the Greek of the New Testament
50,70 € In den Warenkorb -
A Prince without a Kingdom: The Exilarch in the Sasanian Era
149,00 € In den Warenkorb -
The Notion of »holy« in Ancient Armenian Texts from the Fifth Century CE: A Comparative Approach Using Digital Tools and Methods
48,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Argolidis [Editio altera] / Inscriptiones Aeginae insulae
390,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Inscriptiones Graecae. Inscriptiones Atticae Euclidis anno posteriores [Editio altera] / Inscriptiones Atticae aetatis quae est inter Herulorum incursionem et Imp. Mauricii tempora
410,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Comunicare tramite ostraca Usi, testi e supporti dei reperti greci dEgitto
78,00 € In den Warenkorb -
The Egyptian Priests of the Graeco-Roman Period An Analysis on the Basis of the Egyptian and Graeco-Roman Literary and Paraliterary Sources. Second Revised Edition
98,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Lords of Asia Minor An Introduction to the Lydians
29,80 € In den Warenkorb -
Ancient Worlds in Perspective Contextualizing Herodotus
78,00 € In den Warenkorb -
8. Symposium zur ägyptischen Königsideologie/8th Symposium on Egyptian Royal Ideology Constructing Authority. Prestige, Reputation and the Perception of Power in Egyptian Kingship. Budapest, May 1214, 2016
78,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Mountain Peoples in the Ancient Near East The Case of the Zagros in the First Millennium BCE
89,00 € In den Warenkorb -
The Ancient Egyptian Book of Thoth II Revised Transliteration and Translation, New Fragments, and Material for Future Study
198,00 € In den Warenkorb -
The Limits of Empire in Ancient Afghanistan: Rule and Resistance in the Hindu Kush, circa 600 BCE-600 CE
68,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Aleksanderia Studies on Items, Ideas and History. Dedicated to Professor Aleksander Bursche on the Occasion of his 65th birthday
138,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Scrivere documenti nellesercito romano Levidenza dei papiri latini dEgitto tra I e III d.C
64,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Les Recommandations aux prêtres dans les temples ptolémaïques et romains: Esquisse d’un héritage culturel et religieux
128,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Izates, Helena and Monobazos of Adiabene A Study on Literary Traditions and History
62,00 € In den Warenkorb -
The Egyptian Priests of the Graeco-Roman Period: An Analysis on the Basis of the Egyptian and Graeco-Roman Literary and Paraliterary Sources
98,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Taxation in the Achaemenid Empire
98,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Parthika. Greek and Roman Authors Views of the Arsacid Empire / Griechisch-römische Bilder des Arsakidenreiches
78,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Seven Generations Since the Fall of Akkad
64,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Camps, campaigns, colonies Roman Military Presence in Anatolia, Mesopotamia, and the Near East. Selected Studies
54,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Writing Laws in Antiquity. Lécriture du droit dans lAntiquité
58,00 € In den Warenkorb -
Violenze Antiche Testo pubblicato postumo a cura di Silvia Bussi
48,00 € In den Warenkorb -
News from Texts and Archaeology Acts of the 7th International Fayoum Symposium. 29 October3 November 2018 in Cairo and the Fayoum
58,00 € In den Warenkorb