United States
Ergebnisse 28 – 54 von 71 werden angezeigtNach Durchschnittsbewertung sortiert
Manufacturing Government Communication on Covid-19 A Comparative Perspective
106,99 € In den Warenkorb -
The Great Power Competition Volume 3 Cyberspace: The Fifth Domain
106,99 € In den Warenkorb -
U.S. Leadership in a World of Uncertainties
106,99 € In den Warenkorb -
Westernness Critical Reflections on the Spatio-temporal Construction of the West
79,95 € In den Warenkorb -
International Comparative Approaches to Free Speech and Open Inquiry (FSOI)
106,99 € In den Warenkorb -
Race, Popular Culture, and Far-right Extremism in the United States
106,99 € In den Warenkorb -
Letters from Prague 1947-1957
114,95 € In den Warenkorb -
The Battle for the White House The US Presidential Election 2020 under the impression of Polarization, Coronavirus Pandemic and Social Tensions.
74,89 € In den Warenkorb -
Sanction Dynamics in the Cases of North Korea, Iran, and Russia Objectives, Measures and Effects
42,79 € In den Warenkorb -
Russia’s Role in World Politics Power, Ideas, and Domestic Influences
128,39 € In den Warenkorb -
(Re-)Mobilizing Voters in Britain and the United States Political Strategies from Parties and Grassroots Organisations (1867-2020)
19,95 € In den Warenkorb -
The Inter- and Transnational Politics of Populism Foreign Policy, Identity and Popular Sovereignty
117,69 € In den Warenkorb -
Venezuela – Dimensions of the Crisis A Perspective on Democratic Backsliding
128,39 € In den Warenkorb -
The Indian Ocean as a New Political and Security Region
117,69 € In den Warenkorb -
Ukraine’s Nuclear History A Non-Proliferation Perspective
128,39 € In den Warenkorb -
Catholics and US Politics After the 2020 Elections Biden Chases the ‘Swing Vote‘
139,09 € In den Warenkorb -
NATO, the U.S., and Cold War 2.0 Transformation of the Transatlantic Alliance and Collective Defense
84,95 € In den Warenkorb -
Die USA – eine liberale Demokratie und ihre Anachronismen Sonderband 11 ZfP
44,00 € In den Warenkorb -
East Asia and Iran Sanctions Assistance, Abandonment, and Everything in Between
128,39 € In den Warenkorb -
Regulatory Governance Policy Making, Legislative Drafting and Law Reform
117,69 € In den Warenkorb -
The Emerging Multipolar Balance of Power versus the Arrogance of an Empire in Decline Saint Petersburg Lecture IX
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Politics Between Nations Power, Peace, and Diplomacy
160,49 € In den Warenkorb -
China’s Trade Policy in Latin America Puzzles, Transformations and Impacts
117,69 € In den Warenkorb