- Softcover : 152 Seiten
- Verlag: Edition Kirchhof & Franke
- Autor: Thilo Lang
- Auflage: 1. Auflage, erschienen am 28.09.2005
- Sprache: Deutsch
- ISBN-10: 3-933816-29-7
- ISBN-13: 978-3-933816-29-0
- Vom Hersteller empfohlenes Alter: ab 16 Jahren
- Größe: 26,0 x 21,0 cm
- Gewicht: 510 Gramm
Small and medium-sized cities in the Baltic Sea Region
Autoren: Thilo Lang45,00 €
inkl. 7 % MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten
Foreword Preface: Small and medium-sized Towns and Cities in the Baltic Sea Region Thilo Lang: Socio-Economic Regeneration Outside of Agglomerations Local Economic Development in the Baltic Sea Region Introduction Scope: Strengthening Small and Medium Sized Cities Central Questions, Proceeding and Methodology 1. Theoretical background 1.1 Socio-Economic Transformation and Urban Decline 1.1.1 Structural Change 1.1.2 Urban Transformation and Decline 1.2 Socio-economic Regeneration 1.2.1 Urban and Socio-economic Regeneration 1.2.2 Concepts of Socio-economic Regeneration 1.3 Institutional Change 1.3.1 Institutions and Urban Governance 1.3.2 Facilitating Change 1.4 Interim Conclusion: Insights and Priorities 2. Socio-economic Transformation Case Studies 2.1 The Cases 2.2 Socio-economic Development in Regional and National Contexts 2.2.1 Economic Development 2.2.2 Population Development 2.2.3 Registered Unemployment 2.3 Economic Transformation and Local Response 2.3.1 Jüterbog 2.3.2 Nakskov 2.3.3 Lappeenranta 2.3.4 Sillamäe 2.3.5 Kuldiga 2.4 Socio-economic Regeneration Projects (Core-Projects) 2.4.1 Jüterbog: Arbeitslosenservice Unemployment-Service 2.4.2 Nakskov: Activering Syd Centre for Activation and Qualification 2.4.3 Lappeenranta: Meeting Place Asukastila and the TRIPLA Project 2.4.4 Sillamäe Inkubatsioonikeskus Business Incubator 2.4.5 Kuldiga: Malo Businessman Competition 3. Moving Ahead: Findings and Recommendations 3.1 Characteristics of Development 3.1.1 Urban Transformation 3.1.2 Local Response and Institutional Change 3.2 General Findings 3.2.1 Similar Challenges, Distinct Response 3.2.2 Local Strategies and Socio-economic Regeneration 3.3 Recommendations 3.3.1 Strategic Local Socio-economic Regeneration 3.3.2 National and EU Policies Supporting Socio-economic Regeneration Conclusions Literature, Internet Monika Sonntag and Eric Tenz: Cultural Policy and Urban Development Cultural Policy Strategies and Experiences of Cities in the MECIBS Network 1. Introduction: Aim and Structure of the Study 2. Cultural Policy and Urban Development 2.1 Local Cultural Policy Concepts Looking Back at the Past 30 Years 2.2 Cultural Policies The National Contexts of the Four Local Case Studies 2.2.1 Cultural Policy in Germany 2.2.2 Cultural Policy in Latvia 2.2.3 Cultural Policy in Finland 2.2.4 Cultural Policy in Denmark 3. Cultural Policy in Historic Town Centres 3.1 Case study Jüterbog (Germany) 3.1.1 Challenges since the 1990s: Structural Change and Urban Renewal 3.1.2 Cultural Policy and Urban Development: Making Use of the Cultural Heritage 3.1.3 Conclusion 3.2 Case study Kuldiga (Latvia) 3.2.1 Challenges since the 1990s: Political Transition and Urban Renewal 3.2.2 Cultural Policy and Urban Development: Cultural Heritage and UNESCO Application 3.2.3 Conclusion 3.3 Comparison and Conclusion 4. Cultural Policy in Industrial Towns 4.1 Case Study Lappeenranta (Finland) 4.1.1 Challenges since the 1990s: Representing Karelian Culture and Acting as a Gateway to Russia 4.1.2 Cultural Policy and Urban Development: Strengthening Lappeenrantas Role as the Centre of South Karelia 4.1.3 Conclusion 4.2 Case study Randers (Denmark) 4.2.1 Challenges since the 1990s: Managing the Transition Process and Improving the Citys Image 4.2.2 Cultural Policy and Urban Development: Putting Randers on the Map 4.2.3 Conclusion 4.3 Comparison and Conclusion 5. Conclusions and Recommendations References Appendix I: Interviews Appendix II: Basic Conditions and Local Framework Appendix III: Contact Project Partners
Über „Small and medium-sized cities in the Baltic Sea Region“
„Small and medium-sized cities in the Baltic Sea Region“, ein Buch, wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Thilo Lang. Diese in ihrer Bedeutung für die allgemeine Bildung und Integration schwuler Vampire, Gestaltwandler sowie Magier, Elfen und Werwölfe nicht hoch genug einzuschätzende Studie für Leser und Leserinnen erschien am 28.09.2005 im Edition Kirchhof & Franke.
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Das Bundesamt für magische Wesen kommt mit dem Hinweis auf den „Small and medium-sized cities in the Baltic Sea Region“ seinem Bildungsauftrag nach, den gemeinen Bürger draußen im Lande über das Leben gut integrierter (nicht)magischer Mitbürger, vulgo Werwölfe, Vampire, Dämonen, Elfen, Hexen und Magiere ebenso wie fantastische Tierwesen, als da wären Drachen, Basilisken, Sphingen, kleine und große Pubertiere und Trolle bis hin zu eingewanderten Dschinnen aufzuklären und damit Aberglauben und religiösen Irrlehren ein energisches „Nicht mit uns!“ entgegenzuschleudern.
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Gewicht | 510 g |
Größe | 21 × 26 cm |
Edition Kirchhof & Franke
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