Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire! Volume 1: It is time: Forgetting is forbidden – forgetting is forbidden, unadorned, the whole truth – A continent and a „race“ write their truth and demand justice and reparation and NOT PITY.

Autoren: Dantse Dantse


  • Softcover Paperback: 410 Seiten
  • Verlag: indayi Edition
  • Autor(en): Dantse Dantse
  • Auflage: 1. übersetzte Auflage, erschienen am 01.06.2023
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • ISBN-10: 3-910273-57-2
  • ISBN-13: 978-3-910273-57-3
  • Größe: 21,0 x 14,8 cm
  • Gewicht: Gramm

Lieferzeit: Lieferbar

Der Vampir vom Amt teilt mit, dass das Sachbuch "Devil's works about Africa and the
Der Vampir vom Amt teilt mit, dass das Sachbuch „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“ im Bundesamt für magische Wesen bestellbar ist. (Foto: Barbara Frommann)
Africa lies on mass graves of black victims from the colonial occupation times of the whites: how many women, men, babies and children were killed mostly bestially – the number is immeasurable. All these blacks were brutally and satanically murdered. It is a moral duty of the whites, a gesture of atonement, that the Europeans:inside show the Africans:inside where these mass graves are. The African people need to sue for this, if necessary, and thus force the guilty parties to put all the truths on the table – openly and for all to see. The people need that to bring closure. Genocide? The word is too innocuous for what happened and is still happening in Africa and to black people. Unbelievable scenes happened there and it was more than a crime against humanity. The leaders of the Serbs Karadiz, Milosevic and Tadic, all former leaders of the „Bosnian War in the former Yugoslavia with about 100,000 dead were tried and convicted for crimes against humanity. Hitler as the leader of Nazi Germany is responsible for killing over six million Jews, all civilians, in numerous concentration camps. These leaders were convicted of crimes against humanity because they authorized or allowed tens of thousands and millions of people to perish. What then to call people like Cecil Rhodes or King Leopold II? If you condemn what happened in Bosnia as a war crime, how should you name and judge what took place in Africa? What happened to millions of Jews, a genocide, happened in Africa with up to 500 million dead. The German writer Joseph Conrad described the partition of the African continent in Berlin as „the most disgusting scramble for booty that ever marred the history of the human conscience.“ Doing things differently to gain new insights Much evidence of the brutality of slavery and colonialism on is partially documented and this book points to some of it. The reality has been falsified by whites in many documents or is hidden in the inaccessible archives, so the author has found alternative ways to get more information. He researched for almost 30 years and this volume 1 of the trilogy is the revealing result. Volume1: It is time It is time to take on a new consciousness so that Black people take their future into their own hands and finally shed the victim role. It is time to question things deeply: Why did all this happen? Why have blacks been alienated for 2000 years? First by the Arabs for 1500 years, then by the whites for 500 years and now the Chinese have come to dominate Africa. It is a duty for Africans:inside and Blacks to come to terms with their past and dispose of their wealth themselves, to bring about justice, dignity and prosperity. In this volume Dantse Dantse lays the foundations to draw attention to the crimes committed against and in Africa and against Africans:inside, so that these finally come to light unvarnished and are looked at and remembered, to create a new awareness for Africans:inside, Blacks and also for the whole world. So that a new understanding for the African history arises. Another goal of the author is to establish, in accordance with the Jews, a day of remembrance for the millions of black victims of slavery and colonialism, in Africa and worldwide, commemorating these millions of victims, most of whom were killed in the cruelest way. Because silence and lies leave an unpleasant energy for all involved (perpetrators and victims as well as their descendants). A day of remembrance and thus the acknowledgement of the suffering and great injustice would, as with other genocides, contribute a step towards spiritual balance. It is important to find out what really happened and document it. It is a deluge that came over the black people. The most brutal, frightening and shocking crimes have been committed against these people, which have not been properly condemned, apologized and repaired until today. Until now, these crimes against humanity have remained unpunished, which are called genocide in the case of other ethnic groups. On the contrary, the perpetrators deal with their crimes arrogantly and almost proudly, that they still make fun of the victims centuries after the numerous crimes and thereby treat them disparagingly. This is unique in history. The whites who committed such crimes against life and humanity have no sensitivity to the fact that they systematically and systematically abused, raped, mutilated, tortured and killed hundreds of millions of their fathers, mothers, daughters, wives, children, babies, destroyed entire cultures, stole their wealth, soil, agriculture and robbed much of the labor force. The historical reappraisal of slavery and colonial past is insufficient. Although this western world still owes its boom, development, social prosperity and stability, but also Africans:inside and blacks their impoverishment, social destruction, instability and their phenomena to these colonial times. This means that the consequences of slavery and colonialism are still present today. On the one hand, they bring privileges to the colonial masters and their societies that they do not want to lose. On another side, they still bring immense disadvantages to the victims and largely explain why they are the way they are and why they are still unable to free themselves to this day. Every white person benefits from the crimes of their ancestors and every:r black person loses because of it. „With my book, I would like to contribute to the fact that a terrible injustice, which has been inflicted on the African continent and all the people who come from there, is not forgotten and is not forgotten and not considered as „peanuts“.“ – Dantse Dantse.

Über „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“

Immer unterwegs für gute wie "Devil's works about Africa and the
Immer unterwegs für gute wie „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“. (Foto: BafmW)
Das Sachbuch „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“, eine Fachstudie aus dem Leben der Mitbürger und Mitbürgerinnen (nicht)magischer Provenienz, wurde erarbeitet und verfasst von Dantse Dantse. Diese in ihrer Bedeutung für die allgemeine Bildung und Integration der Vampire, Gestaltwandler sowie Werwölfe, aber auch Studenten und Studentinnen der Geschichts- und Politikwissenschaften nicht hoch genug einzuschätzende Publikation zum Geschichte für Leser und Leserinnen aller Altersgruppen erschien am 01.06.2023 bei indayi Edition.

Das Buch „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“ ist im amtseigenen BAfmW Service Point bestellbar. Online bestellte Fachpublikationen wie dieses Buch, dem gemeinen Bürger draußen im Lande als Sachbuch und Fachliteratur zum Thema Geschichte geläufig, sind zu den üblichen Öffnungszeiten auch direkt in der Verlagsbuchhandlung Bundesamt für magische Wesen in Bonn abholbar und werden auf Wunsch verschickt.

Das Bundesamt für magische Wesen kommt mit dem Hinweis auf „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“ seinem Bildungsauftrag nach, den gemeinen Bürger und die gemeine Bürgerin draußen im Lande über das Leben gut integrierter magischer Mitbürger, vulgo Werwölfe, Vampire, Dämonen, Elfen, Hexen und Magiere ebenso wie fantastische Tierwesen, als da wären Drachen, Basilisken, Sphingen, kleine und große Pubertiere und Trolle bis hin zu eingewanderten Dschinnen aufzuklären und damit Aberglauben und religiösen Irrlehren ein energisches „Nicht mit uns!“ aus Bonns wichtigster Behörde entgegenzuschleudern.

Aus Gründen, und weil Teile des Inhalts von „Devil’s works about Africa and the „blacks“ by the whites – slavery, colonialism, until today – The most dreadful genocides of all times against black people without judgment, without atonement, without awareness – but crimes never expire!“ die Bevölkerung beunruhigen könnten, wurde das Buch als Sachbuch und Fachliteratur zum Thema Geschichte eingestuft.

Das Amt weist bei dieser Gelegenheit betroffene Familienangehörige auch auf Therapie- und Aussteigerprogramme für sog. „Religiöse Gefährder“ wie auch Queerquarktivisten hin, die dafür bekannt sind, das Leben harmloser schwuler Vampire, gut integrierter Werwölfe und nicht gendernder Zeitgenossen zur Hölle zu machen. Es gibt Hilfe! Religion ist heilbar! Ein Sektenausstieg ist möglich.

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Lust auf ein Modelshooting? Die BAfmW-Jobbörse sucht männliche Models für den BAfmW-Amtskalender. Bewirb Dich! (Foto: Barbara Frommann)

Sie sind stets willkommen im Buchladen des Bundesamt für magische Wesen in Bonn, der Stauhauptstadt von Nordrhein-Westfalen, um z.B. Ihre bestellte Geschichtsliteratur von Dantse Dantse und anderen guten Fantasyautoren abzuholen. Für gute Literatur ist Bonns allerwichtigste Behörde überhaupt und sowieso von Amts wegen zuständig.

Und das Team der Verlagsbuchhandlung „Bundesamt für magische Wesen“ freut sich auf interessante Exposés und Manuskripte von Autoren und Autorinnen und steht gern für ein ausführliches Gespräch über geplante Fantasyromane zur Verfügung.

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Größe 21 × 14,8 cm


indayi Edition


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