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× The land of Mórceath is suffering. Crops are rotting and famine has spread throughout the realm, causing great distress across the three provinces. The once magnificent kingdom is steadily declining, magic is fading away and their connection to the Mother Goddess is at an all-time low. During a rare magical festival called The Reaping, a group of Newcomers arrive in Mórceath from a distant world. Traditionally, these Newcomers are set to work for the noble houses and are seen as little more than slaves. Among them, we have Ivy Leaves of Holly

Lieferzeit: Lieferbar

Leaves of Holly



Zwischensumme 14,80 

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Gesamtsumme 14,80  (inkl. 0,97  MwSt. 7 % DE)
inkl. 7 % MwSt. 0,97 
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