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× The vocation of this study is to awaken people by presenting the main characteristics of Shiite thought and faith and to remind them of their God-seeking nature. “The Faithful Perception of Being”, “the Origin of Knowledge”, “universal Authenticity of Shiite Thought and Belief”, “the Religion deeply rooted in human nature” and “what Prevents People from proper understanding?” are some main topics of this volume. This volume focuses on the main characteristics that form the very core of the thinking of the Twelver Shia to understand its essential worldview. Although not all characteristics and themes of Shia Islam can be named and described with the necessary distinction, its basic characteristics are presented here. • The aim of this volume is to provide thought impulses for broadening one’s horizons, which lead to further encounters with the Shia Islam and what is reflected in it. It therefore intended to present the main ideas and main characteristics of Shiite thought and faith in a transparent and understandable manner for the current Western generation-and especially for an academic audience. It is also the vocation of this study to awaken people by presenting the main characteristics of Shiite thought and faith and to remind them of their God-seeking nature. Shia Islam 2. Edition - 2. Basic Features

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Zwischensumme 28,50 

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