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× Die Geschichten der Toten 1 bis 5 - Erzählungen aus einer anderen Perspektive | Bundesamt für magische Wesen Die Geschichten der Toten 1 bis 5 - Erzählungen aus einer anderen Perspektive

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Die Geschichten der Toten 1 bis 5 - Erzählungen aus einer anderen Perspektive

× How pupils can learn from different religions and the principles that guide pedagogy in this area are important issues that are common to religious education as practised in different places and locations. Such issues raise questions about the proper understanding of religion, of perspectivity and of how to identify and distinguish the aims and goals of religious education. The focus of this book is on inter-religious learning, i.e. learning beyond the boundaries of one religion, which is now an almost universally accepted practice in Western Europe. "The book clarifies the foundations of inter-religious learning Religion, Interreligious Learning and Education: Edited and revised by L. Philip Barnes, King’s College London

Lieferzeit: Print-on-demand



Zwischensumme 63,64 

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Gesamtsumme 63,64  (inkl. 4,16  MwSt. 7 % DE)
inkl. 7 % MwSt. 4,16 
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