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× The Budapest Scottish Mission with its twofold aim, mission to the Jews and initiating an Evangelical revival in the largest Protestant body had played a remarkable, decisive and unique role in the «long 19th century» of the Hungarian Kingdom. This study focuses on how the Scottish Mission implanted British Evangelicalism, German Pietism, voluntary organisations such as YMCA, IFES, WSCF, Sunday School, Women’s Guild, social outreach, medical missions, home mission, personal piety, concepts of mission and evangelisation through their Scottish Presbyterianism into Hungary. The study presents the interaction of Scottish Presbyterians, Orthodox, Neolog (Reform and Conservative) and Status Quo Ante Jews of Hungary, and the Hungarian Reformed Protestants. It also discusses their attitudes to conversion, mission, proselytising, education, assimilation, and nationalism. While discussing the Mission’s aims, the book pays careful attention to church, institutional, and religious histories. In addition to these, local theologies, ideologies and worldviews of the people are scrutinized. Through these issues this study introduces the reader to the daily life of a multicultural community gathered around the Scottish community. The History of the Free Church of Scotland’s Mission to the Jews in Budapest and its Impact on the Reformed Church of Hungary - 1841-1914

Lieferzeit: Lieferbar



Zwischensumme 132,40 

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